Sunday 26 August 2012

Kenya - Maasai Mara

Hey there,


I spent 5 days on the Mara and saw everything that people come here to see (ie. the big 5 and the crossing) and got to relax for a few days at a nice tented camp. In my previous post I mentioned a marriage proposal. Suffice to say that there was a lesson there to tell absolutely everyone I'm married should they ask. Nothing terrible happened, but it's pretty easy to see how it could. Anyway, not really in the mood to write a whole bunch, although there were some fun stories etc. Today's post is all about the pics.

When in doubt… gnu

Not dead, having a good scratch


This was me for three days at Entim Mara

A line of gnu running as far as we could see, and they had no idea why they were running

The crossing - part 1
The crossing - part 2

The crossing - part 3

The crossing - finale

Sunrise - not exactly my favorite time of day

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