Saturday, 8 September 2012

Kenya - Il Ngwesi/ Lewa Downs

Barf your heart out little muffin! Barf it!

As I sit here on my balcony, with the most amazing view for everything, I have a number of thoughts:

The view from my room
  1. If you birds crap on my hat, I am going to be very cross!
  2. Better than any medication, there is a sure-fire way to stop feeling nauseous. Can you guess what it is? You could at least try to guess!
  3. If oral rehydration salts need to be salty, they should taste like beef, not salty, watered down bubblegum.
  4. I think I may have goat pox. *UPDATE* I no longer think I have goat pox, as at time of posting.
So, it took us 3 hours to drive 30km from the little regional airport to the lodge. Our Cessna landed on a gravel runway, which was… exciting. The 'rooms' here are interesting, in that they are essentially partially covered balconies. My first thought was that a slightly motivated leopard could easily get into the room (and very motivated monkeys did, to raid my suitcase). I did not feel better when I heard a leopard during the night, not far away.

The shower - I don't think I have ever felt like such a terrified monkey as when I was using this
Apparently, 'Prince and Kate' have stayed here three times. I can understand the appeal, since it is very private. At the same time, I kind of wonder how they manage having an open air bathroom attached to their open air bedroom. Perhaps royalty does it differently? There was a couple here on honeymoon. Is there anything less romantic than listening to ones spouse doing the do, or getting the stomach flu?

After a day of being very sick, and a day of being very weak the waiter and chef were getting very distressed that I wouldn't finish my meals. I was feeling better on my final day when I was finally able to finish my lunch (about a third less food than what they gave to the other guests). The waiter, chef and my driver had a little celebration at my table and I got hugs from all.

One night we had a 'village walk' which was a little goofy, and not worth the $60 that I was later told I needed to pay. They also slaughtered a goat for the village while we were there and a portion was roasted for our dinner. I did not want to induce further barfing, so I abstained.

Don't know if I would come back to this place. It's very lovely in its own way, but I never really felt comfortable in the rooms. Some part of me needs any kind of wall between me and the elements. Also, there is nothing really special to the area (except extreme privacy).

Some goofy looking geranuks (sp?)
Le hut
The view from the bed
The view from the loo

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