Monday, 13 August 2012

Kenya - Liota Plains, spiky plants

Here is a random post. Just about every plant on the Liota Plains had some kind of thorn on it. Trees, bushes, flowers, you name it, it had a thorn. I was kind of amazed by how prolific they were and took photos of all the ones I found. Philip and Nicholas looked at me like I was daft for taking pictures of thorns.

The most impressive were the acacia trees. They had five inch thorns and some also had resident stinging ants. I wasn't too surprised when I had an inch long thorn snapped off and jammed in my knee after an attempt at some (unsuccessful) creative photography. I'd complain about how much it hurt and the infection I got, but …

Our guide, Philip, got attacked by a water buffalo while out with his cattle. The horn pierced his thigh completely and he got thrown into an acacia tree. He has a cataract in his eye where a thorn went in. He said it took 2 days for someone to find him.

The stinging ants live in the black bulbs
Yes, these are sharp
The nectar is sweet, esp after getting stabbed under the fingernail


  1. Jeez! Why is the vegetation so angry??!! Love the pics!!

  2. LOL, I would have done the same thing
